
Readership Macro Index for Sbunker

S'bunker explored the vast number of publications in its blog, with the goal of finding readership trends of its broad audience and diverse interests of hundreds of authors, and understand its efforts to shape national media discourse, as well as discover areas of improvement. Merging data from their content management platform and Google Analytics, S'bunker used Keshif to visualize, explore and analyze the most popular themes, the most read authors and interests, and the most viewed articles. They aim to use the results to help tailor and disseminate content in Kosovo in a more effective and impactful manner, meeting the needs while also influencing the style of the growing Kosovar digital readers.

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Human Rights articles are the most read themes in the website, indicating higher interest and a trend within readers of nation-wide inclusive demographics. Feminism, or Gender Equality, presents in 40% of the top 100 most read articles in the blog's history. 6 out of the top 10 most read in history pertain to the field of gender equality. This finding reinforces Sbunker's leading role and focus regarding the human rights discourse in the country, a lifelong mission for the organization.


Significant lack of female authors in sectors of Politics and Economy was found, a reflection of the overall national trend of gender inclusion. Only 18% of articles in the fields of Politics were contributions by female authors, and only 20% in the field of Economy. This finding confirms previous research on gender mainstreaming and representation, and indicates a new goal for the organization to promote equality in author representation in these fields of expertise.


Sbunker’s Kosovar readers are highly interested in discussions about human rights, politics and economy, with social critique and education coming up further as more popular reads. On a particular note, the reader has shown very weak interest in ethnic relations discussions – contrary to common consensus within media critique in Kosovo, and even less interest for discussions on welfare policies, which is in direct contrast with Kosovo’s growing concerns in the aforementioned fields. The reasons behind this previously unpredicted behavior are to be further explored, with saturation and a mismatch between readers’ needs and information supply as possible starting points.

About Sbunker

Sbunker is a non-profit foundation in Kosovo, which delivers the blog, a pioneering national new media product. Sbunker's main focus is in fostering open debate and pluralism, while promoting liberal democracy values. The organization has worked with hundreds of youth in critical thinking and civic activism, while providing free critical media content to thousands of readers nationwide.


Shegë Bahtiri

Executive Director

Shegë Bahtiri is the Executive Director at Sbunker. She has previously worked as a project manager at FOL Movement, and a Lead Psychologist for the NGO TOKA. Shega is a Psychologist by profession, and currently serves in the Governing Board of the Youth Council of the U.S. Embassy in Prishtina.

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