Where data meets
its purpose
We support the international development community, private sector, governments, and nonprofits to harness the power of data in solving the world’s most pressing challenges. Our team has built data solutions that support program operations and research in various sectors including monitoring, evaluation and learning, stabilization and transition, democracy and governance, and economic development.

DT Global
Analyzing the Propaganda and Misinformation in Yemeni Media

The International Republican Institute
Visualizing Parliamentary and Local Election Results in Kosovo

Institute for Interdisciplinary
Mapping the Deradicalization and Prevention Landscape in Germany

World Bank
Data-Driven Website for Benchmarking Infrastructure Development

United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office
Interactive Repository for Development Reports in Cambodia

International Republican Institute
Visualizing Presidential Election Results in Uganda

UNICEF South Sudan
Monitoring Humanitarian Aid Response in South Sudan

Visualizing Civil Society Sustainability Worldwide

Open Data Project
Exploratory Analysis Platform for Attacks Against Aid Workers

World Bank
Data Solutions for Global Payment Systems Survey

Various Government Contractors
Perception Survey Analytics for Stabilization in Conflict Zones

Visualizing Media Sustainability Indicators in Eurasia

Visualizing Indicators of Information Production and Consumption in Eurasia

Democracy Plus
Insights from Citizen Request and Government Response Data in Kosovo

Open Data Project
Exploratory Analysis for Freedom Indicators Worldwide

Visualizing Pathways to Individual Radicalization in the United States

The International Institute for Strategic Studies
Visual Analytics for Military Balance+

Understanding US Congressional Election Polls and Prediction Models

Open Data Project
Enabling Exploration of Survey Data on COVID-19 Impact in the US

Mapping the Global Alumni Network of IofC US

United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office